Mini Saga – creative writing contest 2021

Mini Saga – creative writing contest 2021

Our school’s English Department organized a Mini Saga – creative writing contest.

Students from 4th to 9th grade were challenged to write short stories in exactly 50 words and show their creativity. There were 47 entries and the judges had a difficult task in choosing the winners.

We are proud of our students and appreciate their effort. A huge thanks to everyone who took part and congratulations to the winners.

Category 4th-6th grade

First place

The old lady and the thieves – Doncho Sejzov 5A

Yesterday Tom’s aunt went to the market to buy some milk for her tea party. She was walking over the bridge when two boys came behind her. They tried to snatch her purse. Then she defeated them with a karate kick. They didn’t know that she was a karate teacher.

Second place

The idol – Uma Muminovic 5A

A girl named Sabrina had a different idol from the rest of her class. All the children said Messi or Ariana Grande, but then the teacher asked Sabrina to tell him her idol. Sabrina quietly said my father. The class laughed but Sabrina felt proud. Her dad was the best!

Third place

The Party – Jovan Cvetinovski 5B

Billy had a birthday party. He invited all of his friends. In the middle of the party Billy realized the birthday cake was gone! He thought someone stole it. He asked all of his friend but nothing. Then he realized his birthday was tomorrow and the cake was not ready!


My weird trip to Disneyland – Sofija Todorova 5B      

I always talk about my trip to Disneyland where we got stopped by policemen FIVE times! We got stopped at the airport, in Germany, in France, at the airport on the way back and my dad and uncle got stopped for driving fast. We spent too much money on fines.

THE LUCKY MAN - Daren Kunovski Stojkovski 5C       

In Russia there was a man, a very happy man. One day he had a car accident with a fast-driving ambulance. He was then quickly transported to the nearest hospital. He was lucky he survived the crash. A year later he only rode a bicycle. He was happier than ever.

No title - Imara Fejzulahu 






The Magic Cow – Bisera Kirovska 5B       

Once there lived a magic cow. Why was it called The Magic Cow? Well of course. It was a cow, of the species Magic. The species were extinct a very long time ago, but this cow survived when it was just a tiny baby. It was a very powerful cow.

My weirdest dream – Hana Janikj 5B       

Once I dreamt that I was a dinosaur in the city. I was the size of a skyscraper. All the kids were riding on my back. They were feeding me fresh fruits and bread. It was fun living as a dinosaur, but at the end, its all just a dream.

The creepy girl – Frosina Zahda 5A        

I woke up at three AM and found myself in an abandoned building on an old bed. I was very scared then I saw a shadow in the distance. My whole body was shaking and then a little girl came up to me she stared at me and then disappeared.

THE PICTURE – Anja Chichevalieva 5C      

Once there was a picture with a town. When Harmony got near the picture she teleported in a town with clowns and dolls. Harmony was spinning, she fell down some stairs woke up and kept spinning until she was up from a nap, the same picture was on her wall.

What do I want to become? – Teodor Andonov 5A      

I really want to become a robot-engineer and a programmer because I want to build things and when you engineer a robot, you also have to program it. I might even make the robots that upraise against humans! It is a very interesting and fun job but hard-working as well.

Aleksandar Alboneti Gacev 6A

I remember skiing in Borovec last winter, enjoing the beautiful mountains covered with snow.. I remember travelling to Italy, being with my family and walking freely on the streets of Rome. I was going to school last year with my schoolmates, playing with them...I truly miss our lives before Corona!

Lost in Egypt – Simona Sibinovska 5A   

One day on my summer holiday in Egypt, me and my mom went out to eat. At the place I got a toy. When we were on are way back to the hotel, I was busy playing with my toy. When I wanted to ask her something, she wasn’t there.

Homework – Nahide Mina Ajdogdu 5C     

Molly was a lazy student because she wasn’t doing her homework. Her parents were disappointed. And Molly decided to prove that she wasn’t lazy. And that day Molly started to hand in homework. And her parents were proud. And Molly wasn’t lazy anymore. She was the best student at school.

Fat man and burger – Oleg Churilov 5B     

There once was an athlete and one day he went to a fast food restaurant because he had never tried a burger ever in his life. But when he ate that one burger, he became very fat and he was very ashamed of himself for the rest of his life.

Never cooking again – Nesibe Ates 6A   

My mom was making pasta, I asked her if I can help her, then let me, while mixing the pasta boiling water splashed in my eye it hurt so much, then the doctors said that I have to wear glasses for the rest of my life. I`ll never cook again.

Flags – Kiril Milevski 5C     

Let me tell you something about flags. Some flags are identical like Monaco and Indonesia. Some flags are similar like Chad and Romania. Some are made with the same colors like Holland, Serbia, Luxemburg, Russia Paraguay, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia and France. Some flags have identical symbols like Turkey and Tunisia.

Mini saga competition – Nikola Kunovski 5B      

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THE LIE – Daria Filipcheva 5A    

I have always dreamed of the Disney Cinderella Castle. One day with my parents I visited the castle and the castle was not in Disneyland it was in Germany. It was the Neuschwanstein Castle, the inspiration castle that can be seen in all Disneyland’s. Still, I dream of visiting Disney.

My summer holiday – Aleksandar Dimovski 6A    

Last year I went in Montenegro with my family. We were in a hotel and we stayed there one week. I played soccer and volleyball on the beach and I swim in the sea and in the pool. One day we went on a boat. That summer was the best.

A day in the life of a cat – Davud Idoski 5C      

It starts of by waking up at 1 am in the morning then meowing for food and scratching the couch then if she wants, she uses the toilet then she will go for a walk then she will sleep for the rest of the day and sometimes she wakes up.

Enna Bajro 6A      

When I was 4 my mom and dad surprised me with a dog. We named him Van. When we got him he was 2 months old. He was white and cute. My brother and I were so excited. Me and Van played the whole time. He loves playing with me.

Bad day - Matej Ristevski 6A  

John knew he was in trouble. His teacher had warned him that if he was late again, he would be in big trouble. He ran all the way to school without stopping. When he arrived he was shocked. The gates were locked. Then he realized…it was Saturday.


Category 7th- 9th grade

First place

Irem Tauk 8A      

Looking at her sister in soul one last time, tears streaming down her cold cheeks, Amara unstrapped the silver dagger from her thigh. Her body trembling as she looked at her one last time and muttered the words “I love you” before planting the dagger in her friend’s cold heart.

Second place

SURFACE AREA OF A TROMBONE  - Sofija Stojkova 9B      

The geese had unorthodox screams, bringing citizens to their knees. One legged swans, eyeless cats, axes with mouths and vitriolic streams. All things living and inert reek havoc across defenseless valleys, “An inferno overnight!” as described by the papers. Peace shall never set foot in this land of the damned.

Looking forward to seeing the last member of the family – Shadje Shimshek 8C     

It was 5 years ago my parents went to hospital for my brother's birth. We were so excited. We were waiting for our father to send us his photos. Then he finally did, but honestly, he was so ugly. I am still so surprised how on earth his appearance changed.

Third place

Shine - Anastasija Milojkovska 9A     

Because every beginning has an end. “There’s the light” – he said. She stared at the end. “Let’s go” – she exclaimed. He held her hand, while both had the thought whether they’ll be alone there, because without each other heaven was as good as hell. And every end has a beginning…

Rron Mexhiti 8C

Today in my class they were talking about how the word “female” has “male” in it, the word “family” has ILY, which means “I Love You”, and when the class was ending, I came up with the best one. I said: The word “studying” has “dying” in it ? 

Time Travel – Sara Toshikj 8B          

I was walking down the busy street. As I was walking, I realized that nobody had a mask on.  I ran to the nearest person I could find and asked them why they weren’t wearing a mask as protection from covid-19.  She looked at me confused and said “it’s 2065”.


Nothing comes back - Ema Dimovska 7A     

Marias’s button was loose all day. She felt that it would fall out any time, and soon enough it did. When she was walking home it fell in the sewing. She tried to look around to see if she would find it. But then she realized it was forever gone.

That One Guy - Kaja Josifovska 7A       

A few years ago on the 1st of September. One guy came up to me and said “Are you exited for your first

day of school”. At the time I was in 7th grade and 13. I was so embraced that I just ran and said “Sir I am 13”.

The football prodigy - Kushtrim Beluli 7C      

There was a boy that loved football and was very good at it. One day a scout saw him and was determined to sign him for AC-Milan which was the boy’s favourite team.
Years later the boy signed for AC Milan and achieved his dream. His name was Kushtrim Beluli.

Rainy Day - Anja Ostojikj 7A      

It was a rainy day, there were big and small puddles.
An old wrinkled lady was standing there in a black coat and blue boots.
She was feeding the birds, when a man came up to her and politely asked her
if she could exchange one dollar for four quarters.

Music history – Filip Dimovski 8B      

There were people who started smashing rocks and making rhythms. Then we go to the 19th century where the music is more advanced and it has other instruments like pianos and others. Today’s music is based around modern technology and we make music on a computer by clicking some buttons.

Penny the pug - Matej Milevski 7A        

For years I begged my parents for a dog. Three weeks ago, they got me one. They got me a pug, her name is Penny. She is the cutest puppy in the world. She doesn’t obey any rules, she poops wherever she wants and wakes everybody up in the morning.

The name - Rron Ramuka 7C    

Today there was a boy named Anais, nobody knew how to spell his name. It was hard for the boy to concentrate when the teacher couldn’t spell his name. So, then the boy told his parents to change his name. They went to the judge and changed it to Jay.

The forest - Ina Ilievska 7A        

It was so much dark, even the moonlight didn’t show, we were so lost that we couldn’t even find a path

or a way to hide, then we continued walking, and we saw an old abounded house. There was no other

way to protect ourselves so we went inside it…

Kanita Bajrami 8C      

My dad works outside and earns money. My mom works inside the house as a housewife. My dad usually orders her to do something and my mom fulfills it. However, my mom controls his pocket money. He cannot take a strong attitude toward my mom when he wants money.

Scary Story – Aleksandar Andonov 8B     

One man wandered around a forest, he wandered until he heard a strange sound, as he thought that it was the grass that made a sound he continued walking, and then one scary man stopped him and said: Don’t ever come to my forest again, the man never came again.

Never again - Stefani Deljanovska 7A       

There once was a grandpa who got famous for his wine. He lived in a small shack with his family. A girl came to his house and stole some expensive wine. When the grandpa found out he got very mad, he kicked her out his house and said never again.

The promise - Jana Tasevska 7A       

There was once a kid who went to a park, he met a girl and they became friends. They made a

promise that when they grow up, they will get married. They grew up but the guy got married

to another girl. The girl never forgot that promise.

Katie’s Morning – Sara Kostovska 8B       

Katie’s morning starts with her making her bed. Then she goes downstairs and has her breakfast and drinks coffee, then she walks her dog. After that, she takes a shower and starts her school lessons. After school, she does her homework and after that, she goes outside with her friends.

MY FRIENDS – Tamara Simikj 8B      

Let me introduce you to my friends. This is Emma she’s the lazy friend, but also loves to go out. You know, it depends on her mood. Then we have Lilly she… mhhh… she’s the crazy one. Oh… wait she fell. OK, and me the mom of the friend group…

Fitim Neziri 8C        

One day me and my friend were playing games and my friend said I’m home alone and started yelling but he didn’t know his parents were home and sleeping he started playing music than his parents busted the door  and beat him up the best thing was we could hear him.

On the road - Ravza Elif Cam 7C         

I was on the road and an old man looked at me. I thought why, because he was looking like I did something wrong. Then I looked at myself and saw that I am with my pajamas and then I heard my mom’s voice, woke up and had breakfast.

Afan Neziri – 8C      

One day me and my friends were playing football at the park. They were taking it too seriously. That’s the time when I forgot that my friends don’t know what’s a game and I didn’t pass good. I was trying to have fun and not take the game too serious.

Why do people lie all the time? - Alejna Farizi 7C       

One day I wanted to go out for lunch and I called a friend. I asked her if she would come, she said no and OK so I just went to a restaurant by myself and apparently, I see her there. The I understood that she lied to me, I got so mad.

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  • Yahya Kemal Colllege is a school located in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia, established in November 1996.
  • It was established according to protocols signed between Yahya Kemal secondary schools and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of North Macedonia.
  • The school is named after Yahya Kemal Beyatli, a notable Turkish writer and poet who was born in Skopje.
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